Shandong Qingyun: "The new road" of saline-alkali land


2022-10-28 21:21


In the golden autumn of October, 3,000 mu of paddy in a row in Yanwu Township, Qingyun County, Shandong Province, welcomed a bumper harvest, and when you look closer, it looks like a natural oil painting.

Qingyun County is adjacent to the Bohai Sea, a typical sea encroachment area, the land is alkaline, the water is salty, and food production was not high in the past.In recent years, Qingyun County has taken the opportunity of comprehensive land improvement in the whole area, introduced modern high-tech agricultural technology, built 6,000 mu of high-standard farmland on the original saline-alkali land, and opened a new chapter in the development of special products.

"We buried suction pipes underground, so that the saline-alkali water in the soil seeps into the suction pipes and then drains away via impermeable ditches, thus achieving the purpose of turning saline-alkali land into good land." Yu Litao, general manager of Zhongtian Water and Soil Management Technology (Shandong) Joint Stock Company, which is involved in the treatment of saline-alkali land in Qingyun County, said that by replacing above-ground pipes with underground suction pipes, a 20% land saving rate is achieved; the water saving rate of 30% is achieved through pipeline water recycling and reuse.

Qingyun County promoted the new model of "two-season rotation of rice and wheat", and carried out comprehensive land management through physical improvement, water conservancy improvement, chemical improvement, biological improvement and other ways, which not only improved land productivity, but also promoted the stability of the ecosystem.Qingyun County also cooperated with agricultural research institutions to test plant more than 40 different varieties of rice, from which the most suitable varieties for planting in Qingyun were selected for promotion. After yield testing, the mu yield of rice in the trial field has exceeded 750 kg, achieving a bumper rice harvest.

齐鲁网·闪电新闻10月28日讯 金秋十月,山东省庆云县严务乡3000亩连片水稻喜迎丰收,走近一看,宛如一幅浑然天成的油彩画。




闪电新闻记者 赵宇 通讯员 杨坤 解青媛 德州报道




