齐鲁网·闪电新闻2月4日讯 On February 3rd, CGTN’s The Vibe program gave a glowing review of the 2025 Shandong Spring Festival Gala. The report highlighted how the event beautifully conveyed national pride and the importance of family values. It offered audiences a captivating blend of audio-visual experiences, presenting a Spring Festival cultural celebration that not only showcased global perspectives but also highlighted Shandong’s unique local characteristics.
2月3日,CGTN《The Vibe》栏目点赞山东春晚。报道说,2025山东春晚温情表达家国情怀,为观众呈现了一场酣畅淋漓的视听盛宴,奉献了具有全球视野和山东特色的春节文化大餐。